Friday, November 20, 2015

Is she here yet!?

40+2, 39+3 or 39 even...

No, I'm not testing your math skills. :-) One of these options is apparently how many weeks along we are in this pregnancy...or it could be all three options, who knows.  What's in a date anyway!?  There is no real science to calculating a due date.  It's all based on averages and as most people know, I'm definitely an above average kind of girl! :-)  The short story here is that baby girl is still in there and still cooking.

At about 36wks:
Probably the best 3D ultrasound photo ever taken.  She sure looks a lot like Norah here
The big question remains, when will she come out!?  I'm getting tired of gestating.  I'm also pretty sure Norah thinks we've made the whole "little sister" thing up by now because baby hasn't made her appearance yet. 
We hope she decides to come on her own but she does have an eviction date: November 30th.  That day is either 41+5, 40+6 or 40+3.....which is enough to say that she would be overdue just like her sister! 
We met with the hospital and the OB this week to discuss all of the details of what would be a scheduled C-section for the 30th.  I will not be induced because of the previous failure of induction and C-section.  If babe decides to move things along on her own before then, that's great, but if not then repeat C it is.
Norah will go to school in the morning - her first day back following the Thanksgiving holiday.  Surgery is schedule for mid-afternoon.  There are a few differences between scheduled C vs. the unscheduled C we had with Norah.  Namely, the anesthesia process is slightly different and can require more time to wear off following the procedure.  Additionally, hospital policies have changed to allow more bonding with Mama.  David or I will be in contact with family and will let folks know when we are ready to welcome visitors.  We think it may not be until the following day but we will see how things go for later in the evening on the 30th.
Since we know the plan for the 30th and if Grandma and Grandpa Braun are still willing, we hope that they would be able to pick Norah up from School that day and stay with her. :-)  In the event that things happen unplanned we may be calling on folks closer to us to assist during the time it would take Grandma and Grandpa to drive up.
Stevensons - hospital policy has also changed regarding allowing minors who are not siblings.  The previous restrictions were mostly due to the whooping cough outbreak that occurred around the time Norah was born.  The hospital now does allow minors to visit.  Not sure what works best for you guys - especially if it's a school day such as the 1st - but FYI as long as the kids are relatively healthy. :-)
So, that's the plan as it currently stands.  We'll let you know if things change..maybe you can send some good vibes for babe to come on her own before then. :-)
Next post will be after she's here!  In the meantime, Happy Thanksgiving!    


Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Testing, Testing, Check One, Baby #2

Hmm...once upon a time I had a blog, then I had a baby and then said blog disappeared.  I'm considering trying to revive this old endeavor.

Where has time gone!?  Our little Norah is a happy, healthy, super chatty, active 2 year old!  Seen here with Cousin Max:

Life is busy.  Mama and Dada are both still working full time.  Norah has been enjoying her nature-based Reggio-Emilia philosophy school.  She has really blossomed into being a social girl but still has her shy side.  She loves taking care of her "friends", dancing, jumping, running, and especially art:
The last two years have been a journey to say the least but we've fallen into a decent groove now.  I guess enough of a groove to bite the bullet and have another kid!  We are all very excited to meet the new little Braunster Monster:

Me telling David on our anniversary:

Everything has been looking healthy so far. Norah is ready for a sibling and I think even more excited for a.....
She likes to say "Good morning, Baby Sister" when I get her up in the mornings and she talks about playing and sharing her toys with baby sister.  Let's hope that is true!  I think it will be a shock for her at first but she is a very kind-spirited little two year old who loves to "help" - so I'm hopeful she'll adjust quickly.

And that brings us to today: 30 wks! 
I think this is one of my first belly shots this pregnancy because I simply haven't felt too good all along or like I had the energy to take a photo.  Maybe it's having a toddler now and being preggo, or that combined with still working full time outside the home... but I have been more ill-feeling and exhausted this time around than with Norah.  We're getting closer and closer every day though!  I'm going to hold out as long as possible and hope baby cooks a long time in there too.
I will try to keep this better updated as we get closer to Baby's arrival.  She is due November 27th! David's Birthday. Although the doctors wanted to adjust it to November 24th, we still think it is the 27th.  So this little Turkey will be here right around Thanksgiving or better yet, the best Black Friday deal ever! ha.  Stay tuned...
Also, I would love to see a comment from anyone who is still following this...:-)     

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Newborn Photos!

We finally got our newborn photos back and we think they turned out pretty great!  Norah was 12 days old when we went to visit Photography by Karensa in their studio in Everett.  We were happy to use these wonderful shots in our birth announcements that you all should have received last week.  Here are the full size versions.  These have also been added to smugmug for print ordering if you're interested. 





Sunday, July 7, 2013


Peanut finally went to sleep today so this will be my quick blog catch-up post.  We have spent the last several weeks enjoying lots of time with family.  Norah has really liked visiting with everyone and is pretty amenable to being out and about and loves to be held by pretty much anybody.  She didn't even scream when Auntie Katie got her turn. ;-)  Good job, Norah! 

Here is the stats update - Peanut weighed in at 9lbs 6oz at our last visit and is growing fast!  She is currently up to about the 50th percentile for her age which is the highest she has been to date.  She is starting to outgrow the newborn clothes and we are finally getting a chance to use some of the wonderful outfits we got from Cousin Annika!  We are still working through our feeding issues and Mama is determined not to give up until all avenues have been explored.  We have many appointments this week that should help get us some more answers.  Norah has granted us lots of smiles and even one or two laughs.  She is starting to reach directly for things and grab them, albeit a little uncoordinated in her efforts.  She rolled over once on the scale at the Breastfeeding Center appointment and the nurse was a bit surprised.  We've seen her roll to one side but not make it all the way over just yet.     

Below are some shots of our holiday and other adventures since Mid-June. 

Father's Day BBQ - June 15th


Visits with Friends - June 22nd

Query Family Picnic - June 29th

Braun's in Westport - July 4th
Thanks to Auntie Katie for the outfit below

 First Trip to the Ocean